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New Studio A Class: Flow & Glow 2.0


Starting February 1st in Studio A


As you know, Flow & Glow is BEND's approach to a power vinyasa class. The name comes from the "flow" style vinyasa movements and the "glow" of a sweaty power practice. In this 2.0 version, we're taking things up a notch!

In this class, the heat will be a little higher, the poses will be a little more dynamic, and we'll find a challenge in pulsing, long holds, weight training, and more! Each week and each class will be different in a fun, challenging, and unpredictable way. A few things remain true for this 2.0 class - it will be hot, it will be powerful and strength-based, and it will feature lots of fun challenges!

Because of the dynamic nature of this class, some prior yoga experience is beneficial. Come eager to work, and get your Flow & Glow ON!

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February 2

New Studio A Class: mixed 2.0