September 16, 2024

This month’s blog post is written by Pye Marshall

Embracing Change:

Shedding What No Longer Serves Us

We’re in that beautiful in-between phase, moving from Late Summer into Autumn. Can you feel the change in the air?

This time of year, naturally invites us to slow down and reflect.

Throughout life, we learn change is constant... For me, the seasons are a perfect reminder of this truth. Just like the trees let go of their leaves, we, too, are invited to shed what no longer serves us - whether that’s old habits, relationships, or ways of thinking.

As we transition into Autumn, it’s a time for introspection. In yoga, this relates to the concept of svadhyaya, or self-study. It’s the practice of turning inward, reflecting on where we are, and realigning with our deeper truths.

What’s been weighing you down lately?

What feels out of alignment with the person you’re becoming?

This season gives us the perfect opportunity to pause, take stock, and let go of what’s no longer needed - so we can create space for something new.

On the mat, this might mean paying closer attention to your breath, especially during transitions. Can you notice where you’re holding tension or clinging to control? What happens when you soften into the exhale, allowing yourself to release?

Off the mat, this process can look like journaling, meditating, or simply giving yourself quiet time to reflect. It’s all about allowing the natural process of letting go to unfold without force.

Here’s two journal prompts for your practice this season:

  • What can I release with ease?

  • How will that create more space for growth and alignment in my life?

As we move into this season of release, take heart... and trust that by letting go, you’re making space for something even more beautiful to come.

With love,


Connect with Pye


August 19, 2024