October 15, 2024

This month’s blog post is written by Pye Marshall

A Heartfelt Journey:

Cultivating Loving Compassion

Over the next few weeks, you may notice that heightened emotions have you feeling separated from your friends and neighbors, especially when faced with differing opinions and beliefs. It seems like this year's election is uber-sensationalized, and now more than ever we can all benefit from understanding and empathy.


As we wane into November, I invite you to join me in collectively revisiting a practice of loving compassion.


As yogis, we have a daily opportunity to embody kindness—not only towards ourselves but also towards those we encounter. At the heart of this practice lies Ahimsa, a core principle in yoga philosophy that means non-violence or non-harming. Ahimsa goes beyond just avoiding physical harm; it’s about being gentle with our thoughts, our words, and our actions. Interoceptively and exteroceptively, it invites us to operate from a place of love and understanding, acknowledging that each human is navigating their own unique journey.


Put simply, practicing Ahimsa helps us embrace our imperfections and extend that same grace outward.


Consider the way you speak to yourself. Instead of engaging in negative self-talk when you face a challenge (perhaps in a difficult yoga pose), try replacing those thoughts with kindness, love, and encouragement. Actively choosing to acknowledge your efforts rather than focusing on perceived shortcomings fosters self-compassion and becomes an embodiment of Ahimsa.


Now think about your interactions with others. You can practice Ahimsa by listening actively and responding with respect rather than defensiveness, especially when faced with differing viewpoints. By choosing to engage with empathy and openness, we create space for loving compassion and connection, even amidst disagreement.


Let's alchemize this heartfelt journey… grab your journal and reflect on the following:

  • What is one way you can show yourself compassion this week?

  • What is one way you can practice loving compassion toward others this week?

Whether it’s prioritizing self-care, allowing yourself to rest, acknowledging your feelings without judgment, or holding neutral space for others, it's small acts that create significant impact.


As we move through this month, join me in embracing loving compassion as a guiding principle. By embodying Ahimsa, we can create a sense of unity within our community and beyond.


With all my love,

Connect with Pye


November 15, 2024


September 16, 2024