May 15, 2023
Your “Why”
You’ve probably heard it before, either from people like Simon Sinek, James Clear, BJ Fogg, or other innovative thinkers around psychology and habit change… knowing your “WHY” behind something is your greatest ally to cut through the old beliefs and stories (aka resistance) and helps create new pathways of thinking and behaving.
This is very much a consideration in yogic philosophy. As we move into longer days and summer vibes and a kind of new growth and spark to life in general, it’s good to consider “WHY” we do what we do.
So, this month I invite you to ask yourself a question or maybe do it with a friend after class:
Why do I (fill in the blank)?
And when the response arises, then ask yourself…
WHY is that important?
Or WHY does that matter?
And continue to ask WHY 5-7 times. Keep asking yourself (or your friend) WHY?
See where it gets you.
My experience is that it will lead you in understanding the territory of your heart.
If you feel inspired, we’d love to hear your WHY. Simply Click Here to tell us more!
Happy May, beautiful.