
To BEND’s 300hr YTT Portal

Here you will find information on our 300hr Yoga Teacher Training, Payment Plans, FAQs and more.

You are invited on a journey to continue your exploration of yoga and your personal path of teaching and practice. Your 200hr certification makes you eligible to enroll in a 300hr training that culminates in a 500hr certification!

This training is endorsed by the Yoga Alliance.

This training will be presenting in three 100 hour modules. More info below!

Ready to dive in?

Module 1: Nourish

Sedona, Arizona

May 11th -18th, 2025

Integrating the panchamaya koshas into daily practice, you will immerse in asana (postures), pranayama (breathwork), and svadyaya (self-study). You will use the text Light on Life by BKS Iyengar to dive deeper into the understanding of your experience of the panchamaya koshas.

Module 2: Sustain

BEND Hot Yoga, Prescott AZ

October 23rd - 26th, 2025 & October 30th - November 2nd, 2025

Expand your exploration of yoga philosophy, meditation and subtle and gross anatomy while reflecting on the teachings that best support and sustain this phase of your life. You will use the text of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, and other ancient texts of the yoga tradition.

Module 3: Launch

BEND Hot Yoga, Prescott AZ

January 15th - 18th, 2026 & February 5th - 8th, 2026

Design and create your personal niche and container for launching your yoga offerings while enriching your personal lifestyle practices. You will be supported in cultivating the next phase of your teaching and other roles that give meaning to your life.


Sunday, May 11th 2025

1pm - 5pm

Studio B Orientation + Practice at BEND Hot Yoga in Prescott AZ

Monday, May 12th


Meet at BEND Hot Yoga + carpool to Sedona retreat space


Check-in and MOVE

~5pm onward

Dinner and Evening Programming

Tuesday / Wednesday, May 13th / 14th

6am - 7am

Early morning meditation and pranayama

7am - 8am

Break for coffee/tea

8am - 10:30am

Morning Practice



12pm - 2pm

engaging conversations on yoga

2pm - 3:30pm

FREE Time (nap, read, relax)

3:30pm - 5pm


5pm - 6:30pm

Explore, hike, enjoy nature!



7:30pm - 9pm

Sunset and evening programming

Thursday, may 15th

6am - 7am

Early morning meditation and pranayama

7am - 8am

Break for coffee/tea

8am - 10:30am

Morning Practice







Friday / Saturday, May 16th / 17th

Free time to resume work, or family and friend time before meeting again on Sunday May 18th.

Sunday, May 18th

9am - 12pm

Group Practice (open to the public, optional for retreat-goers. EYE of the Tiger.

1pm - 3pm

YTT Module 1 Closing

Module 2 & 3 SCHEDULE


3pm - 8pm

Fridays - SundayS

7am - 5pm

*Anticipate approximately 30 hrs of outside work that will include videos, reading, personal research, sequence design for classes and workshops. These hours will be extended through the duration of the program. 

Total Cost

The earlier you pay, the more you save!

Click on the image to make it larger.

* We offer a monthly payment plan *

Click Here to learn more.

Paid - in - Full DETAILS

Pay for the whole 300hr YTT.

The earlier you pay, the more you save!

Click on the image to make it larger.

PAY - PER - MODULE details

Pay for the 300hr YTT One Module at a time.

Click on the image to make it larger.

Paying for Module 2

Module 2 will launch with Early Access to our BEND YTT Graduates on 05/01/2025

Module 2 will be open to the Community on 06/01/2025

Paying for Module 3

Module 3 will launch with Early Access to our BEND YTT Graduates on 10/01/2025

Module 2 will be open to the Community on 11/01/2025


  • No. If you have a current 200hr Teacher Training Certification you are eligible. That can be from any Yoga Alliance aligned teacher training program or teacher.

  • No. A 200 hour certification comes first. Some people earn 500 hours in their teacher training, but the 300 hour approach allows those with a 200 hour to complete a full 500 hour experience.

  • Module 1: Kino Bay is designed to be an immersion into yoga asana, pranayama, and svadyaya (self-study) in a retreat-style training. This is an off-site (out of Prescott) opportunity to focus attention and energy without the distractions of a householder life.

  • Module 1 is designed both as a review of foundational asana, pranayama and svadayaya practices while sequentially building and expanding on them throughout the eight days.

    Module 2 is more focused on yoga philosophy, meditation and gross and subtle anatomy.

    Module 3 is about coalescing your learnings and previous experience to  design and creation your personal niche and container for launching your yoga offerings while enriching your personal lifestyle practices.

  • Transportation from Prescott to Kino Center + Back

    Daily Programming outlined below

    Brunch, dinner + snacks included

    Outdoor covered sleeping accommodations

    Optional Boat tour + snorkeling in Sea of Cortez

    Beach access + free time for swimming

  • Yes. The tuition includes a rustic, covered, open air, group sleeping area. But you are welcome to explore local Airbnbs, or Casa Blanca: a down to earth hotel with breakfast included.

  • Yes! All participants will have a current passport when traveling to the Kino Bay station in Mexico.

More Questions?