June 15, 2024

This month’s blog post written by Pye Marshall

Sankalpa: Cultivating Clarity & Purpose

Summer is here, there’s a literal buzz in the air, the energy is high, and lately I’ve been feeling a little… lost.

With June being the sixth month of the year, the halfway mark of 2024 has me reflecting on what I’ve done (and haven’t done) with my time so far this year.

Where am I learning and growing, how can I be a better student and steward of Yoga?

How have I been filling my cup so that I may be of better service to others?

The refining of my Dharma* through reflection like this, and through journaling, meditation and movement, are all part of my yoga... and it’s a daily practice. Day to day, I stay curious, open, and focus on my Sankalpa - the thing that has helped me cultivate clarity, purpose, and a deeper connection to myself & the world around me (you can read more about my personal Sankalpa at the end of this post).

*Dharma is a Sanskrit term that means “right direction” or “rightful duty". Your "dharma" is your inherent purpose, or true calling in life. In it’s simplest translation, is what you were born to do.

What's Sankalpa?

Sankalpa is a Sanskrit term that translates, in essence, to "intention." It's a powerful mental anchor that helps you focus your energy and actions on what you feel called to, or want to achieve.

When you set a Sankalpa, you're planting a seed in your mind that nurtures growth and transformation.

Consider this: Have you ever been in a class at BEND a heard the instructor ask you to set an intention? It’s like setting a mini-Sankalpa for the hour you’ll be on your mat. What will ground you and keep you focused on your yoga beyond the asana?

Defining your Sankalpa:

It can be a transformative experience… Here are some tips to help you find clarity:

  1. Reflect on your values:

    What matters most to you in life?

    What do you stand for?

    What kind of person do you want to be?

    Your Sankalpa should align with your core values.

  2. Identify your strengths:

    What are you naturally good at?

    What skills have you developed over time?

    Your Sankalpa can be an expression of your unique strengths and talents.

  3. Explore your passions:

    What activities make you feel most alive and engaged?

    What topics do you enjoy discussing or exploring?

    Your Sankalpa might be connected to your passions and interests.

  4. Consider your goals:

    What are your short-term and long-term goals?

    What do you want to achieve in your life?

    Your Sankalpa can be a guiding light for your goals and aspirations.

  5. Listen to your intuition:

    What is your inner wisdom whispering to you?

    What does your heart desire?

    Trust your intuition and allow yourself to explore possibilities that resonate with you.

Some examples of Sankalpas include:

  • "I am a source of kindness and compassion in my community."

  • "I am a successful entrepreneur who creates opportunities for others."

  • "I am a healer who helps others find balance and well-being."

  • "I am a creative force that inspires others through expressing myself."

  • "I am a leader who empowers others to reach their full potential."

Brainstorm and journal:

You know I love a good journal session…

Write down as many ideas as you can think of that relate to the above points. Then, review your list and see what stands out to you.

In areas where you feel stuck, try these prompts:

  • What's been holding you back from discovering your true potential?

  • What are some strengths, values, and passions that you can use to serve others?

  • What would you like to achieve in the short-term and long-term?

  • What “work” brings you the most joy?

  • How do you fill your cup?

Remember, your Sankalpa is not a fixed destination; it's a dynamic intention that evolves with you. Be patient, kind, and compassionate with yourself as you explore and refine. Know that discovering your Sankalpa is just the beginning of an incredible journey toward understanding yourself, your purpose, and your interactions with the world around you!

My personal experience with Sankalpa:

For as long as I can recall, I have always wondered why am I here. I remember asking those older than me what am I supposed to be doing?, looking to kindred humans as a lighthouse of sorts. The more I evolved, the more I experienced, the more I attained the notion that I wanted to help people.

When I discovered Yoga, it provided a framework for the open-ended thoughts that I had spent a lifetime gathering. My Yoga education introduced me to the ancient, sacred science of the human experience, the ways in which we interact with the world around us, and how we can find some amount of inner peace and contentment through introspection and self-governing. Unfolding and digesting this knowledge is a journey that I am grateful to consider my life’s work.

As a perpetual student, I continue to learn that Yoga doesn’t just appeal to my sensibilities, it also describes the things I want to help transmute to others… kindness, truth, simplicity, self-study, stillness, etc. It has become my personal Sankalpa to be of service. To devote myself to helping, and loving, and elevating kindred humans by providing a bridge to the knowledge embedded in the practice of Yoga.

Thanks for reading & for sharing in this human experience.

With love,


Connect with Pye


July 15, 2024


May 13, 2024